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[IEEE] World Haptics Conference 2025 Call for Participation

조회수 : 126


C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

IEEE World Haptics Conference 2025

July 8-11 in Suwon, Korea



The IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) is the premier international conference for the interdisciplinary field of haptics, showcasing scientific discoveries, technological advances, and engaging applications centered on the sense of touch. This conference offers a vibrant environment for sharing the latest haptics research results, leading to fruitful scientific discussions, new collaborations, and insights on how haptic technology can enhance human life.

WHC is a biennial gathering of three conferences: IEEE Haptics Symposium, EuroHaptics, and AsiaHaptics. WHC 2025 will be held in Suwon, Korea, from July 8 to 11, 2025. The program includes a full day of workshops and tutorials, oral and poster presentations of journal articles and conference papers, work-in-progress posters, hands-on demonstrations, a student innovation challenge, industrial exhibits, and other technical and social activities.

We seek original contributions on all topics in haptics and call for your active participation. Detailed instructions for authors will soon be available at https://2025.worldhaptics.org


Types of Contributions


Long Papers - NEW CATEGORY!

After a double-blind review process, accepted long papers will be presented via a longer oral presentation at WHC 2025 and published in IEEE Xplore. The length is from 8 to 12 pages plus up to 3 pages of references. This new long paper category aligns well with publishing practices in computer science allowing authors to publish substantial high-quality conference papers and survey papers.


Regular Papers

After a double-blind review process, accepted regular papers (previously called technical papers) will be presented via a shorter oral presentation or a poster at WHC 2025 and published in IEEE Xplore. The length is from 4 to 6 pages plus up to 2 pages of references.


Work-in-Progress (WIP) Papers

Highlighting late-breaking results and presented as posters, accepted WIP short papers will be published only in the electronic proceedings distributed to attendees. Authors retain the copyright for the future publication of extended work.


Hands-On Demonstrations

Interactive research demonstrations are highly valued at the IEEE World Haptics Conference. The presentation entails a brief proposal that will be reviewed to ensure relevance and novelty.


Workshops and Tutorials

Workshops and Tutorials provide a forum for participants to enjoy talks by leading researchers and discuss emerging and active research areas in smaller groups.


Student Innovation Challenge (SIC)

The World Haptics Conference, supported by the haptics industry, has organized the Student Innovation Challenge as a competition. This event offers students the chance to address challenges in applying haptics technology to real-world problems. Details on the topics and participation requirements will be announced soon on the World Haptics 2025 webpage.


Industrial Exhibits

Companies are invited to engage with WHC 2025 attendees by displaying products and services that relate to the field of haptics.


IEEE Transactions on Haptics (ToH) Papers

Authors of all short and long papers published in or accepted to ToH between January 2024 and March 2025 will be invited to present at WHC 2025. Authors who choose to participate can indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation. Importantly, this program replaces the dedicated submission of short ToH papers for presentation at WHC.


Awards and Special Issue of ToH

At least one excellent contribution in each scientific submission category (papers, WIP papers, demos) will be honored with an award endowed with a monetary prize. Furthermore, authors of the most highly rated WHC 2025 papers may be invited to submit an expanded version to a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Haptics (details to be confirmed).



Topics of Interest

To ensure a good match between the papers and the reviewers, each submission will be considered by one of three subcommittees:


       Understanding Touch: uncovering new scientific understanding of the sense of touch and related capabilities of humans and other organisms. Sample topics include human haptic perception, psychophysics, the neuroscience of touch, and biomechanics and motor control.

       Technology and Systems: developing and characterizing new technologies and systems for delivering haptic feedback or facilitating haptic interaction. Sample topics include haptic interface design and control, tactile displays, haptic sensors, haptic actuators, teleoperation, robotic manipulation, haptic modeling and rendering, shared haptic control, and physical human-robot interaction (pHRI).

       Applications and Interaction: designing and understanding the role of haptics in particular applications or types of interactions. Sample topics include human-computer interaction (HCI) involving haptics, multimodal systems, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), telepresence, embedded/ubiquitous haptics, and haptics in applications such as industrial, commercial, medical, health, art, and design.





Important Dates

        January 17, 2025: Workshop/Tutorial Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission

        January 31, 2025: Regular and Long Paper Submission (Firm, No Extensions)

        Mid-March 2025: Student Innovation Challenge Proposal Submission

        April 16, 2025: Regular and Long Paper Acceptance Notification

        April 24, 2025: Work-in-Progress (WIP) Paper Submission

        April 30, 3036: Hands-On Demonstrations Submission

        Late April 2025: WHC 2025 Presentation Invitations for Authors of ToH Papers

        Mid-May 2025: Camera-ready Paper Submission

        July 8-11, 2025: IEEE World Haptics Conference 2025


Call for Associate Editors (AEs)

The Editorial Board will soon invite experienced haptics researchers to serve as AEs for WHC 2025. Scientists interested in managing the review of regular and long paper submissions should self-nominate by sending a PDF of their current CV and a short explanation of their motivations to the Editor-in-Chief, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, at kjk@is.mpg.de. Nominations of others are also welcome.


Mailing List

If you would like to receive further announcements about the 2025 IEEE World Haptics Conference, please join the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Haptics, which can be done for free at the following website (Click ADD ITEM(S) and then CONTINUE):https://www.ieee.org/membership-catalog/productdetail/showProductDetailPage.html?product=CMYRAS025


Location and Conference History

The conference will be held at the Suwon Convention Center in Suwon, South Korea, and is organized by the Korea Haptics Society, a non-profit organization committed to advancing haptics research, education, and industry in Korea.


Hosting the conference in Suwon presents a unique opportunity to experience South Korea’s vibrant blend of tradition and modernity. Located just a short distance from the capital city, Seoul, Suwon serves as a central hub for global business, particularly as the home of major electronics and IT industries. The Suwon Convention Center’s state-of-the-art facilities provide an ideal setting for our international gathering, while the city’s rich cultural and historical attractions promise an engaging and enriching conference experience.


Since its establishment in 2005, WHC has evolved into a prestigious biennial international conference, showcasing pioneering research and innovations across all areas of haptics. This 11th edition of WHC will bring together over 600 participants from more than 20 countries, offering a truly global forum for sharing the latest advancements in haptic technology and research.


We look forward to welcoming you to the IEEE World Haptics Conference 2025. Join us as we push the boundaries of haptics, share groundbreaking research, and shape the future of this rapidly evolving field.


General Chairs - generalchairs@worldhaptics.org

Seungmoon Choi, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea

Ki-Uk Kyung, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea


Program Chairs - pc@worldhaptics.org

Gregory J. Gerling, University of Virginia, USA

Seokhee Jeon, Kyung Hee University, South Korea


Conference Editorial Board - ceb@worldhaptics.org

Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), Germany (Editor-in-Chief)

Hiroyuki Kajimoto, University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan

Maud Marchal, University of Rennes, INSA/IRISA, France

Yon Visell, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA


Full WHC 2025 Organizing Committee


WHC 2025 Call for Papers_link included-2.pdf